Thursday, April 03, 2008

DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 27

Welcome to part 27 of "DJ Mauls Ultimate Toy Room Tour Extravaganza Polooza-Fest: 2007 Edition!"...Now featuring for the first time EVER a video webcam segment!!!

BUT before we get to that, let's check out the new editions in the old fashioned form.

It's been a GREAT time for Titanium Vehicle collectors such as myself with several new waves recently released. I added a few more to the ever growing collection including:

General Grievous Starfighter

The Endor variant AT - AT

Anakin's Modified Jedi Fighter - Ep. II

And one of the only NON Star Wars one's I have purchased:

Original Viper Model from Battlestar Galactica Series.

If I wasn't imagining myself zipping around the galaxy in the Millennium Falcon or an X-Wing, I was imagining launching that Viper out of those cool tubes and into the stars...!

I mentioned last chapter about finding two of the three new Marvel Comics sets; at the time I was still missing the Han & Chewie set.

With a little help from fellow GHG member "M68" I got that third Marvel set and she even was cool enough to throw in a nice GIFT for me to contribute to the Toy Room:

This VERY COOL two Sided Darth Vader Puzzle that comes in a really cool tin box!

Thanks Michelle, you so totally ROCK!

Another GHG GET was from my buddy Darth T-Bone, who was part of the actual crew that worked on the Star Wars Rose Parade floats and who managed to score me this beautiful set of Exclusive Rose Parade Star Wars Pins!

VERY SHINY of him!

From SW Shop, my Republic Commando Delta Squad set came in the other week!

Now I COULD have left this unopened, or even partially opened with the display in the back and that would have looked OK too.

BUT you know I have a Clone Army shelf, and so I just had to set them up THERE!

So now added to the Army are:



And Delta Three - Eight, aka "Boss."

Since I already had one Scorch figure, I decided the new one from this set would look way cool IN FLIGHT above the rest of the Army.

Also, since they had WINGS I figured the Geonosian Warriors figures both ONE and TWO along with their Commander Sun Fac should be in flight as well!

One more item to discuss today; an item I scored from eBay for a very decent price.

From the Episode I era I picked this awesome Darth Maul Rubiks Cube!

I loved Rubiks Cube as a kid and somehow I missed this when it first came out during Ep. I. A friend of mine spotted it on eBay and sent me the link, and I scored it for only $1.99 plus shipping.

Now, you may notice it's not OPENED yet.

"Why not?" you may ask...well, I saved that for you.

Want to WATCH me actually open a toy?

Of COURSE you do!!!

I realize the sound is still a bit choppy on this, but I did manage to get the focus a bit better.

I only had ONE shot at opening the toy ON CAM so forgive me if it's a bit off, LOL.

As I do more of these I'm sure I'll get better at it!

Thanks as always for tagging along, hope you enjoyed and I will see you all again soon...or perhaps at the very least, YOU will be seeing ME!


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