DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 23
Welcome back my friends, to the tour that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside... (All apologies to Emerson, Lake & Palmer there.)
So, what's new in the Maul Cantina since last we met?
So, let's get right to it shall we?
Last chapter I showed you this Darth Vader Dashboard Driver and mentioned I was looking for two more that were out.
Well, I eventually found them, and here they are:
Yoda Dashboard Driver
C-3PO Dashboard Driver
Now that they are a complete set, I found a home for them HERE on this shelf.
Many of the items behind them have already been featured on the tour, but there are two new items there, cheap but cute:
These Liquid Candy Lightsabers I found at Toys R Us. There's a Vader and an Obi Wan saber, and the plastic blades themselves were full of a sweet, syrupy concoction that frankly made me nauseous after I ate them...
We also covered my new M-Pire figures last chapter, and at that point I still needed these two, which I now have:
Darth Vader & Clone Trooper M-Pire figures.
I couldn't find them on shelves anywhere, but got them from eBay for a fair price. Yes, eBay isn't ALWAYS evil...![]:)](
I've added four new Titanium Vehicles recently; first up is the Leia Speeder Bike, which has now officially joined the chase.
Next is the Swampspeeder Muddy Repaint Version ... you can see the original version just behind it for comparison.
Also added is another Y-Wing Paint Variant from the new waves. The newest one is on the far left; the other two are the older variants.
Lastly in the TV's we have the Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter which is pretty much like all the other Jedi Starfighters, except of course it's PURPLE!
Besides the SMALL Titaniums, I have also added a few more of the larger, Ultra Titanium Vehicles.
I found the AT-AT Ultra Titanium on the shelf, again at TRU.
This one is now part of a totally NEW shelf I put up JUST for these larger sized vehicles.
The other new Ultra I acquired was a bit harder to find in stores, so I wound up ordering her from Hasbro's website.
I am of course talking about Millennium Falcon Ultra Titanium Vehicle, which if you remember way back in the tour I had high hopes of them making...somebody listened to me I guess...
Speaking of new Falcon items, another cool find was this Japanese import Millennium Falcon Georama which I found online.
It's very similar to the Gentle Giant Bust Ups; it's plastic and comes in small pieces that need to be this case, pretty much just the landing gear. It's next to one of the Falcon TV's to show scale.
Once I got these two new Falcons, I decided it was time to dedicate a whole shelf to her!
As you see, I moved over all my Titanium Falcons and the Action Fleet Falcon as well, and put them all next to my Code 3 Falcon...sort of a Falcon shrine if you will.
Speaking of shrines...last tour I showed you my new Boba Fett Unleashed figure.
Well, I also just added this new Boba Fett Action Figure with way cool Jet Pack Flames display stand to the mix, and so also decided that the notorious Bounty Hunter needed HIS own shelf as well, so I moved over the Titanium versions of Slave I, the Titanium Boba Fett Figure and also my Applause Fett to the shelf...all items featured in past chapters if you missed them.
I keep saying I'm DONE collecting Action Figures and yet somehow still keep BUYING them, like this Hologram Darth Maul figure, or this cute R5-D4 figure...and of course my Wal-Mart Early Bird Figures Set finally came in!
I do still like to also go back and add some vintage figures when I can, and I just recently found this really nice vintage 1980 Lando Calrissian figure that still has his weapon and the plastic cape intact!
I mentioned the Gentle Giants Bust Ups earlier; I got a few more GG items, this time from their Mini Helmet Collection. You have to buy them randomly, so you don't know which one you have until you OPEN it, which I do NOT like, but I took a shot and got 3PO there and a Rebel Helmet...I REALLY want a Vader one, of course.
Speaking of Vader, I tend to avoid any ยก"Holiday" type SW items, but I couldn't resist this cute Darth Vader Snow Globe that I found at Target. Wind it up and it plays "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"
WOW, this has been a LONG chapter, but it's almost over, promise. Just a few last items to cover, really.
As you may remember I also collect the Code 3 3D posters, and managed to get the 2006 Comic Con Exclusive Howard Chaykin Promotional Poster mini 3D poster when it was also available for a limited time online. This is a faithful 3D recreation of the original 1976 promotional poster, released at Comic Con a full year BEFORE Star Wars actually hit the theaters.
Also recently added two new Acme Archives Clone Wars Key Cels to the room, the Count Dooku Cel and the Asajj Ventress Key Cel which I JUST got two days ago!
And lastly: Who here DOESN"T love "The King???"
I am speaking about the one and ONLY Elvis Trooper!!! ... who was kind enough to send me his very own trading card! I LOVE unique items for the collection and this one certainly qualifies!
Well, that wraps it up for this chapter. To all my loyal readers, as well as to any new ones, I say: "Thank yew, thank yew ver'mush..."
Welcome back my friends, to the tour that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside... (All apologies to Emerson, Lake & Palmer there.)
So, what's new in the Maul Cantina since last we met?
So, let's get right to it shall we?
Last chapter I showed you this Darth Vader Dashboard Driver and mentioned I was looking for two more that were out.
Well, I eventually found them, and here they are:
Yoda Dashboard Driver
C-3PO Dashboard Driver
Now that they are a complete set, I found a home for them HERE on this shelf.
Many of the items behind them have already been featured on the tour, but there are two new items there, cheap but cute:
These Liquid Candy Lightsabers I found at Toys R Us. There's a Vader and an Obi Wan saber, and the plastic blades themselves were full of a sweet, syrupy concoction that frankly made me nauseous after I ate them...

We also covered my new M-Pire figures last chapter, and at that point I still needed these two, which I now have:
Darth Vader & Clone Trooper M-Pire figures.
I couldn't find them on shelves anywhere, but got them from eBay for a fair price. Yes, eBay isn't ALWAYS evil...
I've added four new Titanium Vehicles recently; first up is the Leia Speeder Bike, which has now officially joined the chase.
Next is the Swampspeeder Muddy Repaint Version ... you can see the original version just behind it for comparison.
Also added is another Y-Wing Paint Variant from the new waves. The newest one is on the far left; the other two are the older variants.
Lastly in the TV's we have the Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter which is pretty much like all the other Jedi Starfighters, except of course it's PURPLE!

Besides the SMALL Titaniums, I have also added a few more of the larger, Ultra Titanium Vehicles.
I found the AT-AT Ultra Titanium on the shelf, again at TRU.
This one is now part of a totally NEW shelf I put up JUST for these larger sized vehicles.
The other new Ultra I acquired was a bit harder to find in stores, so I wound up ordering her from Hasbro's website.
I am of course talking about Millennium Falcon Ultra Titanium Vehicle, which if you remember way back in the tour I had high hopes of them making...somebody listened to me I guess...

Speaking of new Falcon items, another cool find was this Japanese import Millennium Falcon Georama which I found online.
It's very similar to the Gentle Giant Bust Ups; it's plastic and comes in small pieces that need to be this case, pretty much just the landing gear. It's next to one of the Falcon TV's to show scale.
Once I got these two new Falcons, I decided it was time to dedicate a whole shelf to her!
As you see, I moved over all my Titanium Falcons and the Action Fleet Falcon as well, and put them all next to my Code 3 Falcon...sort of a Falcon shrine if you will.
Speaking of shrines...last tour I showed you my new Boba Fett Unleashed figure.
Well, I also just added this new Boba Fett Action Figure with way cool Jet Pack Flames display stand to the mix, and so also decided that the notorious Bounty Hunter needed HIS own shelf as well, so I moved over the Titanium versions of Slave I, the Titanium Boba Fett Figure and also my Applause Fett to the shelf...all items featured in past chapters if you missed them.
I keep saying I'm DONE collecting Action Figures and yet somehow still keep BUYING them, like this Hologram Darth Maul figure, or this cute R5-D4 figure...and of course my Wal-Mart Early Bird Figures Set finally came in!
I do still like to also go back and add some vintage figures when I can, and I just recently found this really nice vintage 1980 Lando Calrissian figure that still has his weapon and the plastic cape intact!
I mentioned the Gentle Giants Bust Ups earlier; I got a few more GG items, this time from their Mini Helmet Collection. You have to buy them randomly, so you don't know which one you have until you OPEN it, which I do NOT like, but I took a shot and got 3PO there and a Rebel Helmet...I REALLY want a Vader one, of course.
Speaking of Vader, I tend to avoid any ยก"Holiday" type SW items, but I couldn't resist this cute Darth Vader Snow Globe that I found at Target. Wind it up and it plays "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"

WOW, this has been a LONG chapter, but it's almost over, promise. Just a few last items to cover, really.
As you may remember I also collect the Code 3 3D posters, and managed to get the 2006 Comic Con Exclusive Howard Chaykin Promotional Poster mini 3D poster when it was also available for a limited time online. This is a faithful 3D recreation of the original 1976 promotional poster, released at Comic Con a full year BEFORE Star Wars actually hit the theaters.
Also recently added two new Acme Archives Clone Wars Key Cels to the room, the Count Dooku Cel and the Asajj Ventress Key Cel which I JUST got two days ago!
And lastly: Who here DOESN"T love "The King???"
I am speaking about the one and ONLY Elvis Trooper!!! ... who was kind enough to send me his very own trading card! I LOVE unique items for the collection and this one certainly qualifies!
Well, that wraps it up for this chapter. To all my loyal readers, as well as to any new ones, I say: "Thank yew, thank yew ver'mush..."
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