DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 22
Your ol' pal DJ has been busy the past few weeks, working mainly but still chasing down toys when and wherever I can.
I figured I'd start this chapter by delving into some items I've actually had for quite some time, but that only got a quick mention in one of the earliest chapters.
So let's take a look at this reorganized shelf of action figures.
When I initially showed these figs they were in the wall display case (except for the "Anakin To Vader" fig in the background there ) and I only showed the one picture of it because it was impossible to get a good shot due to the mirrored backing in the display, which reflected the flash of the camera.
Later, I moved these figs OUT of the display case to make room for additions to my vintage figure collection, and I moved them to the shelf that USED to house my Clone Army collection ...things are ALWAYS moving around in The Maul Cantina!
Most of these figs come from the mid 90's lines, which is when I really started getting back into collecting on a regular basis.
So finally let's get a closer look at them:
First, several figs: Chief Chirpa, Wicket ,Lando & Chewie.
The Ewoks came together in a two pack much like the pair of Jawas & Ugnaughts I featured earlier.
Next, two older & two newer figs:
Grand Moff Tarkin & Emperor Palpatine / General Grievous & Obi Wan. ...Grievous is from the ROTS line, Obi Wan from The Saga line
Next we have the three stages of C-3PO , the golden version actually being the OLDEST fig of the three. The grey patchwork version is of course from Ep. II and the "naked" 3PO from the Ep. I line.
Judge NOT by their size these next two figs:
R2-D2 and Yoda.
This R2 was one of the first (if not THE first) of the 3 & ¾ inch figs that was electronically rigged to beep & flash, much like some of the newer versions in The Saga line do now. It originally came with a Tatooine stand that has disappeared in storage somehow.
Next is one of my fave's and a very RARE fig to find: IG-88.
He came as part of a two figure pack that also featured Boba Fett (who appeared earlier on the Clone Army shelf) and also came with a cool Shadows of The Empire comic (also featured earlier in the tour.)
I don't think I have EVER seen an IG-88 figure released since then, at least as far as I know anyway.
Back a little further we find several versions of Luke Skywalker including the "Luke in Stormtrooper disguise' fig and another favorite of mine, "Jedi Luke" from ROTJ.
Since I somehow had an extra Yoda, I decided of course to put him in the backpack of the Dagobah Luke figure. ...he fits in there really well actually.
Next to the Luke's are, of course, several various Leia figures including the fan boy fave Slave Leia. The "Leia in Boushh disguise" figure is from the new Saga line, the rest are again older figs from the 90's lines.
Next to Leia is her man Han Solo.
I'm not sure how I wound up with two of the same versions of Han there but that's how collecting goes sometimes.
Lastly, in the corner there we can find Admiral Akbar and some Rebel Soldiers figs
Now that I finally have THOSE covered, let's move on to some NEW additions to the collection.
As you should be more than aware of by now, I am an avid collector of the Titanium Vehicle line, and recently have acquired three more from the latest waves coming out:
The B-Wing Fighter shown along with its smaller Micro Vehicles cousin.
The Executor which features a little tiny Star Destroyer alongside it for "scale" and is again displayed next to it's smaller, plastic Micro Machine version.
Here's one I've been waiting literally YEARS for them to come out with:
The TIE Interceptor! ...I was thrilled to death when I saw they were finally putting this one out to complete my TIE fleet collection!
I am also a huge fan of the 12" Unleashed line and Hasbro has recently wised up and re-released two classics:
Boba Fett at The Sarlaac Pit ...
...and General Grievous.
These are new Target Exclusives releases, but are actually repacks of the originals from a few years back. I put the Boba Fett next to my Vader Unleashed, just because.
The only new addition to the Clone Army so far has been a new Shocktrooper fig from the new releases...I think it's GREAT that Hasbro is re-packing lots of the Trooper figs although many collectors I know are upset because they spent way too much on eBay for them thinking they'd never see them again!
Patience is a virtue, kids.
This next addition is kind of odd but very cool:
A Darth Vader Dashboard Driver from Wal-Mart
He can be attached by velcro strips to your car dashboard and "speaks" several classic phrases when you push the button, stuff like "Don't make me DESTROY you!" or "The Force is STRONG with this one" or "I have you now!"
The sound is VERY LOUD for such a little item, with very clear digital samples. There are also Yoda and C-3PO versions I am still hunting for.
We all know by now that the individual OT DVD's are now out, featuring the UNALTERED versions of the films on bonus discs. The versions here from Wal-Mart feature these great Graphic Novel reprints of the original Marvel Comics adaptations.
Reading these comics truly brings back some great memories from when I was a kid. It's a treat to have them back in the collection even in this reprinted form.
The last few items we will explore today have a bit of a story:
Just a few days ago I cam home to find my wife had bought me some presents...three packs of the M&M "M-Pire" figures!
Now I had passed on these for quite some time as I thought they were cute but over-priced. But recently KB Toys has had them marked down at a "buy 3 for $10" deal. I'm assuming that's where she got them. She was nervous about buying them as she figured I'd probably already had them, not knowing that I had seen them all the time but decided to pass on them in my efforts to curtail my collecting habits...she always says I buy too much stuff, lol.
Anyway, after she got me the set of three, I decided to go back and get a few more, just for the heck of it.
So I went from having NONE of these to a small shelf full of them!
The three my wife bought me were:
Anakin & Palpatine
Chewie & Mace Windu
and Grievous & Obi Wan
I bought four more sets later on:
Boba Fett & Han Solo
Luke & Leia
Darth Maul & Count Dooku
And Amidala, C-3PO & R2-D2 ...this was the only one that came with THREE figs instead of just two. I guess they figured R2 was too small to count as one fig.
There's only ONE more set of these I REALLY want at this point and of course can't find: The Darth Vader & Stormtrooper set. (Now you know why I chose the picture I did for this blog, don't you...?)
I suppose I'll find them eventually...
Well, that wraps it up for now. Thanks as always for tagging along; I hope I wasn't too long winded this time but it HAS been awhile since the last tour.
Until I spend enough money to warrant yet another tour blog...May The Force Be With You.
Your ol' pal DJ has been busy the past few weeks, working mainly but still chasing down toys when and wherever I can.
I figured I'd start this chapter by delving into some items I've actually had for quite some time, but that only got a quick mention in one of the earliest chapters.
So let's take a look at this reorganized shelf of action figures.
When I initially showed these figs they were in the wall display case (except for the "Anakin To Vader" fig in the background there ) and I only showed the one picture of it because it was impossible to get a good shot due to the mirrored backing in the display, which reflected the flash of the camera.
Later, I moved these figs OUT of the display case to make room for additions to my vintage figure collection, and I moved them to the shelf that USED to house my Clone Army collection ...things are ALWAYS moving around in The Maul Cantina!
Most of these figs come from the mid 90's lines, which is when I really started getting back into collecting on a regular basis.
So finally let's get a closer look at them:
First, several figs: Chief Chirpa, Wicket ,Lando & Chewie.
The Ewoks came together in a two pack much like the pair of Jawas & Ugnaughts I featured earlier.
Next, two older & two newer figs:
Grand Moff Tarkin & Emperor Palpatine / General Grievous & Obi Wan. ...Grievous is from the ROTS line, Obi Wan from The Saga line
Next we have the three stages of C-3PO , the golden version actually being the OLDEST fig of the three. The grey patchwork version is of course from Ep. II and the "naked" 3PO from the Ep. I line.
Judge NOT by their size these next two figs:
R2-D2 and Yoda.
This R2 was one of the first (if not THE first) of the 3 & ¾ inch figs that was electronically rigged to beep & flash, much like some of the newer versions in The Saga line do now. It originally came with a Tatooine stand that has disappeared in storage somehow.
Next is one of my fave's and a very RARE fig to find: IG-88.
He came as part of a two figure pack that also featured Boba Fett (who appeared earlier on the Clone Army shelf) and also came with a cool Shadows of The Empire comic (also featured earlier in the tour.)
I don't think I have EVER seen an IG-88 figure released since then, at least as far as I know anyway.
Back a little further we find several versions of Luke Skywalker including the "Luke in Stormtrooper disguise' fig and another favorite of mine, "Jedi Luke" from ROTJ.
Since I somehow had an extra Yoda, I decided of course to put him in the backpack of the Dagobah Luke figure. ...he fits in there really well actually.
Next to the Luke's are, of course, several various Leia figures including the fan boy fave Slave Leia. The "Leia in Boushh disguise" figure is from the new Saga line, the rest are again older figs from the 90's lines.
Next to Leia is her man Han Solo.
I'm not sure how I wound up with two of the same versions of Han there but that's how collecting goes sometimes.
Lastly, in the corner there we can find Admiral Akbar and some Rebel Soldiers figs
Now that I finally have THOSE covered, let's move on to some NEW additions to the collection.
As you should be more than aware of by now, I am an avid collector of the Titanium Vehicle line, and recently have acquired three more from the latest waves coming out:
The B-Wing Fighter shown along with its smaller Micro Vehicles cousin.
The Executor which features a little tiny Star Destroyer alongside it for "scale" and is again displayed next to it's smaller, plastic Micro Machine version.
Here's one I've been waiting literally YEARS for them to come out with:
The TIE Interceptor! ...I was thrilled to death when I saw they were finally putting this one out to complete my TIE fleet collection!
I am also a huge fan of the 12" Unleashed line and Hasbro has recently wised up and re-released two classics:
Boba Fett at The Sarlaac Pit ...
...and General Grievous.
These are new Target Exclusives releases, but are actually repacks of the originals from a few years back. I put the Boba Fett next to my Vader Unleashed, just because.
The only new addition to the Clone Army so far has been a new Shocktrooper fig from the new releases...I think it's GREAT that Hasbro is re-packing lots of the Trooper figs although many collectors I know are upset because they spent way too much on eBay for them thinking they'd never see them again!
Patience is a virtue, kids.

This next addition is kind of odd but very cool:
A Darth Vader Dashboard Driver from Wal-Mart
He can be attached by velcro strips to your car dashboard and "speaks" several classic phrases when you push the button, stuff like "Don't make me DESTROY you!" or "The Force is STRONG with this one" or "I have you now!"
The sound is VERY LOUD for such a little item, with very clear digital samples. There are also Yoda and C-3PO versions I am still hunting for.
We all know by now that the individual OT DVD's are now out, featuring the UNALTERED versions of the films on bonus discs. The versions here from Wal-Mart feature these great Graphic Novel reprints of the original Marvel Comics adaptations.
Reading these comics truly brings back some great memories from when I was a kid. It's a treat to have them back in the collection even in this reprinted form.
The last few items we will explore today have a bit of a story:
Just a few days ago I cam home to find my wife had bought me some presents...three packs of the M&M "M-Pire" figures!
Now I had passed on these for quite some time as I thought they were cute but over-priced. But recently KB Toys has had them marked down at a "buy 3 for $10" deal. I'm assuming that's where she got them. She was nervous about buying them as she figured I'd probably already had them, not knowing that I had seen them all the time but decided to pass on them in my efforts to curtail my collecting habits...she always says I buy too much stuff, lol.
Anyway, after she got me the set of three, I decided to go back and get a few more, just for the heck of it.
So I went from having NONE of these to a small shelf full of them!
The three my wife bought me were:
Anakin & Palpatine
Chewie & Mace Windu
and Grievous & Obi Wan
I bought four more sets later on:
Boba Fett & Han Solo
Luke & Leia
Darth Maul & Count Dooku
And Amidala, C-3PO & R2-D2 ...this was the only one that came with THREE figs instead of just two. I guess they figured R2 was too small to count as one fig.
There's only ONE more set of these I REALLY want at this point and of course can't find: The Darth Vader & Stormtrooper set. (Now you know why I chose the picture I did for this blog, don't you...?)
I suppose I'll find them eventually...
Well, that wraps it up for now. Thanks as always for tagging along; I hope I wasn't too long winded this time but it HAS been awhile since the last tour.
Until I spend enough money to warrant yet another tour blog...May The Force Be With You.
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