DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 24
Here we go again..." - C-3PO
As always, I welcome you back to my virtual tour of the "Maul Cantina," a toy room that is always in stuff being added, old stuff being moved around, new displays being put in.
Before I get to the NEW stuff, I just figured I'd show you a FEW (not all) of the changes since the beginning of the tour, and compare the old to the new to give you an idea of what's been altered.
For instance, let's take a look at my OLD display of my Burger King Ep. III Toys.
I was never happy with how this shelf turned out; oh sure they all fit nicely there on one shelf, but I didn't like that you couldn't really see them all that well.
I found this really awesome display seller on eBay and purchased these two clear plastic display risers that fit perfectly and the toys display much better don't you think?
I also picked up a few of these in a slightly different size to turn my Old Titanium Vehicles Display Shelf into a much better New Version that makes them stand out more I think.
There have been plenty MORE changes, but let's get to some NEW stuff now, shall we?
Since I was on the Titanium Vehicles, let's start with the new additions there:
I must be getting weak minded in my old age as I am starting to buy variants of vehicles I already have, which I always said I would not do...variants such as this Wedge Antilles X-Wing Titanium Vehicle that is pretty much identical to the other versions with minor paint color variations and some "battle damage."
Still, it makes a nice addition to this reworked display shelf that now features several Titanium X-Wings.
A more noticeable variant is this New Republic Gunship Titanium Vehicle which is now the third version of this ship along with the other two seen there.
That of course makes a nice addition to THIS reworked display shelf that now features several Republic Gunship Titanium Vehicles.
We also now have a BLUE Naboo Starfighter to go with the original yellow version, but my favorite repaint has to be this new Clone Wars ARC Fighter variant that is really beautiful close up.
Two more Titanium's to cover is this Gold Painted TIE Fighter and also a Gold Millennium Falcon!
Where, you may ask, did THESE come from???
Yep, I found the new Millennium Falcon Transformers Set with the two "Special Bonus" Gold Titanium Vehicles packed in!!!
I had major reservations about buying this, even WITH two cool TV's inside, as I'm not a big Transformers fan, but I must say this thing is pretty dang cool. Lights, sound effects, fun to play with...and it's the Falcon for crying out loud!
It of course starts out as two "robots: The Chewie 'Bot and of course The Han Solo 'Bot.
After of course transforming both sections they snap together and, after a few final parts added, become The Millennium Falcon.
The cockpit even opens to reveal a tiny Han & Chewie inside!
So what else is new in the collection? How about some more Unleashed figs!
Took me forever, but I finally found the two new Walmart Exclusive Unleashed figures:
Luke Skywalker Unleashed
And of course Darth Vader Unleashed (ESB version)
Also just added is another Titanium Figure to the shelf, this time the Clone Trooper Titanium Figure.
I passed on the Grievous and C-3PO ones, at least for now.
I FINALLY got a Clone figure that I have been hunting literally MONTHS for, the RED Clone Commander who now finally joins his green and yellow cousins thanks to the efforts of my buddy Darth T-Bone, who if we are lucky will soon be starting a toy tour all his me, you think MY collection is impressive? Wait to you get a load of HIS!
T-Bone also thought of me when he recently visited Vegas and sent me this way cool Darth Maul M-Pire Pin as a GIFT! Thanks again T-Bone, have I mentioned lately that you ROCK...?
As I write this I'm just NOW realizing that I should have updated the tour weeks ago, as apparently I have TOO much material for just ONE chapter!
So instead of making this any longer winded, I will close for now but leave you with the promise that there will be a new chapter VERY soon, as I've already done all the photo work so I just need to WRITE it!
So until we meet again in chapter 25, May The Force, as always, Be With You.
Here we go again..." - C-3PO
As always, I welcome you back to my virtual tour of the "Maul Cantina," a toy room that is always in stuff being added, old stuff being moved around, new displays being put in.
Before I get to the NEW stuff, I just figured I'd show you a FEW (not all) of the changes since the beginning of the tour, and compare the old to the new to give you an idea of what's been altered.
For instance, let's take a look at my OLD display of my Burger King Ep. III Toys.
I was never happy with how this shelf turned out; oh sure they all fit nicely there on one shelf, but I didn't like that you couldn't really see them all that well.
I found this really awesome display seller on eBay and purchased these two clear plastic display risers that fit perfectly and the toys display much better don't you think?
I also picked up a few of these in a slightly different size to turn my Old Titanium Vehicles Display Shelf into a much better New Version that makes them stand out more I think.
There have been plenty MORE changes, but let's get to some NEW stuff now, shall we?
Since I was on the Titanium Vehicles, let's start with the new additions there:
I must be getting weak minded in my old age as I am starting to buy variants of vehicles I already have, which I always said I would not do...variants such as this Wedge Antilles X-Wing Titanium Vehicle that is pretty much identical to the other versions with minor paint color variations and some "battle damage."
Still, it makes a nice addition to this reworked display shelf that now features several Titanium X-Wings.
A more noticeable variant is this New Republic Gunship Titanium Vehicle which is now the third version of this ship along with the other two seen there.
That of course makes a nice addition to THIS reworked display shelf that now features several Republic Gunship Titanium Vehicles.
We also now have a BLUE Naboo Starfighter to go with the original yellow version, but my favorite repaint has to be this new Clone Wars ARC Fighter variant that is really beautiful close up.
Two more Titanium's to cover is this Gold Painted TIE Fighter and also a Gold Millennium Falcon!
Where, you may ask, did THESE come from???
Yep, I found the new Millennium Falcon Transformers Set with the two "Special Bonus" Gold Titanium Vehicles packed in!!!
I had major reservations about buying this, even WITH two cool TV's inside, as I'm not a big Transformers fan, but I must say this thing is pretty dang cool. Lights, sound effects, fun to play with...and it's the Falcon for crying out loud!
It of course starts out as two "robots: The Chewie 'Bot and of course The Han Solo 'Bot.
After of course transforming both sections they snap together and, after a few final parts added, become The Millennium Falcon.
The cockpit even opens to reveal a tiny Han & Chewie inside!
So what else is new in the collection? How about some more Unleashed figs!
Took me forever, but I finally found the two new Walmart Exclusive Unleashed figures:
Luke Skywalker Unleashed
And of course Darth Vader Unleashed (ESB version)
Also just added is another Titanium Figure to the shelf, this time the Clone Trooper Titanium Figure.
I passed on the Grievous and C-3PO ones, at least for now.
I FINALLY got a Clone figure that I have been hunting literally MONTHS for, the RED Clone Commander who now finally joins his green and yellow cousins thanks to the efforts of my buddy Darth T-Bone, who if we are lucky will soon be starting a toy tour all his me, you think MY collection is impressive? Wait to you get a load of HIS!
T-Bone also thought of me when he recently visited Vegas and sent me this way cool Darth Maul M-Pire Pin as a GIFT! Thanks again T-Bone, have I mentioned lately that you ROCK...?
As I write this I'm just NOW realizing that I should have updated the tour weeks ago, as apparently I have TOO much material for just ONE chapter!
So instead of making this any longer winded, I will close for now but leave you with the promise that there will be a new chapter VERY soon, as I've already done all the photo work so I just need to WRITE it!
So until we meet again in chapter 25, May The Force, as always, Be With You.
If you wish to give your vehicle a fresh look, you could ask for the assistance of the experts from AllProFleetPainting since these guys only use top quality paint for their clients.
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