DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 11
Chapter, I'm NOT filing for bankruptcy, although some people think I spend too much on Star Wars stuff and SHOULD be broke...
Today we move along to yet another bookshelf full of stuff.
At the very TOP of this bookshelf we find the very cool Ep. I Action Banks Set which, if you never saw them, are three separate banks (Obi Wan, Darth Maul, & Qui Gon) that when connected interact with each other. Press the button and they speak lines from the movie and battle each other with their light sabers, complete with sound effects.
I really LOVE these things and have a little story to tell about them:I first saw these banks on shelves when Ep. I first came out, but passed on them several times because they were, quite frankly, too expensive...almost 30 bucks each if I'm not mistaken.Later, much later, a friend and I were wandering the mall and happened upon a KB Toys that had them marked WAY down to just FIVE BUCKS EACH! Unbelievable!BUT...they only had Obi Wan and Darth Maul...Qui Gon was no where to be seen. No way I was buying TWO out of three, how incomplete is THAT?So I asked the guy if he knew where any other KB Toy stores were that may have the Qui Gon. To my surprise he was more than happy to help and called several other stores in the area for me. He found a store about 40 minutes away that still had one on the shelf and said they would hold it for me IF I could make it in that night.I asked my friend if he minded going for a drive, he said no problem and off we went!It was worth the effort for that price and I'm glad I got the complete set.
OK, back to the tour...Next to the banks is three matching Ep. I figures that went along perfectly with the larger banks.
Under the banks, we find the next shelf full of interesting items:
On the left side are three Master Replicas .45 scaled sabers in the display case that for picture purposes, I removed the plastic dust cover from for a better look.These three are all Jedi sabers: The top one is a GOLD Anakin Ep. III mini saber that was SUPPOSED to be the SW Shop "Black Chrome" edition but instead I got the rare GOLD chase version...very lucky there!Under that one is the "As First Built By" version of Obi Wan's, and on the bottom Luke's from ROTJ.
On the far right side are three more MR Mini Sabers, these three all Sith:Top: Darth SideousMiddle: Darth TyranusBottom: Darth Vader, Ep. IV
In the middle of each of those display cases is the Collectors Society 2005 Darth Maul Mini Saber which is the complete version available when you signed up for the Collectors Society membership. It's sold out now and no longer available. just for fun I added this Darth Maul figure to go along with it, I think this is a really good likeness of Maul.
OK, you already saw it in the background, but here's a closer look at my Celebration III Exclusive Talking Vader figure. I, like many others, waited for HOURS in line for this figure, but it was well worth the wait. I'm THRILLED with the forethought they put into the packaging. Not only can you press the button in the front to make him speak, but you can also change the batteries in the back with OUT having to open or damage the packaging.The Exclusive star cases that were sold along with this figure at CIII were sold out by the time I got there, and so far I've refused to pay the jacked up prices for them on eBay. While I would LIKE a star case to keep this one better protected, I'm not willing to pay some scalper triple for it just because he beat me to it in the line.I open almost all my items...this one however, stays the way it is.
A few more items from CIII can be found here:My CIII 4 Day Pass & Lanyard The Celebration At CIII Party Slave Leia Coaster that was one of several items in the door baggie giveaways.
Some other little items floating around this shelf include my Star Tours Pin from the gift shop at MGM of course, a Vader Pin from SW Shop & Cingular Vader Viper Keychain, another little CIII freebie.There is a second Vader Pin on the other side; these were actually a three pin set from SW Shop, but my dad has the third pin on his Harley Biker's a Vader In Flames.
Another little item here is my Vader Fan Club membership card and also one featuring Yoda. Apparently I forgot to take a close up shot of it, but that Vader head you see hanging above the display case is a Christmas ornament I found at Target not that long ago.
Next shelf down is one of the TRUE prides of my collection, and without a doubt the most EXPENSIVE item I ever bought, but I simply had to have it:My Code 3 Millennium Falcon Die Cast Model.
She is truly a thing of beauty as these next few close ups will show:
Falcon close up 1
Falcon close up 2
Falcon close up 3
I was going to take some pictures of her with the removable panels off so you could see the detail inside but that would have required me moving her off the shelf and I don't like moving it too much as she's VERY heavy and I'm afraid to DROP her!Maybe I will do that in a later blog...
To finish out this shelf (and this chapter of the tour) I'll cover the last few items here:
Death Star With Darth Vader Complete Galaxy set and on the other side is the Dagobah With Yoda.
On each side as well are these Mos Eisley Cantina Shot Glasses, again a souvenir from my trips to MGM in Florida.
The next installment will finish out this shelf as we check out some BK toys and some books...Until then, as always, thanks for coming along.
Chapter, I'm NOT filing for bankruptcy, although some people think I spend too much on Star Wars stuff and SHOULD be broke...
Today we move along to yet another bookshelf full of stuff.
At the very TOP of this bookshelf we find the very cool Ep. I Action Banks Set which, if you never saw them, are three separate banks (Obi Wan, Darth Maul, & Qui Gon) that when connected interact with each other. Press the button and they speak lines from the movie and battle each other with their light sabers, complete with sound effects.
I really LOVE these things and have a little story to tell about them:I first saw these banks on shelves when Ep. I first came out, but passed on them several times because they were, quite frankly, too expensive...almost 30 bucks each if I'm not mistaken.Later, much later, a friend and I were wandering the mall and happened upon a KB Toys that had them marked WAY down to just FIVE BUCKS EACH! Unbelievable!BUT...they only had Obi Wan and Darth Maul...Qui Gon was no where to be seen. No way I was buying TWO out of three, how incomplete is THAT?So I asked the guy if he knew where any other KB Toy stores were that may have the Qui Gon. To my surprise he was more than happy to help and called several other stores in the area for me. He found a store about 40 minutes away that still had one on the shelf and said they would hold it for me IF I could make it in that night.I asked my friend if he minded going for a drive, he said no problem and off we went!It was worth the effort for that price and I'm glad I got the complete set.
OK, back to the tour...Next to the banks is three matching Ep. I figures that went along perfectly with the larger banks.
Under the banks, we find the next shelf full of interesting items:
On the left side are three Master Replicas .45 scaled sabers in the display case that for picture purposes, I removed the plastic dust cover from for a better look.These three are all Jedi sabers: The top one is a GOLD Anakin Ep. III mini saber that was SUPPOSED to be the SW Shop "Black Chrome" edition but instead I got the rare GOLD chase version...very lucky there!Under that one is the "As First Built By" version of Obi Wan's, and on the bottom Luke's from ROTJ.
On the far right side are three more MR Mini Sabers, these three all Sith:Top: Darth SideousMiddle: Darth TyranusBottom: Darth Vader, Ep. IV
In the middle of each of those display cases is the Collectors Society 2005 Darth Maul Mini Saber which is the complete version available when you signed up for the Collectors Society membership. It's sold out now and no longer available. just for fun I added this Darth Maul figure to go along with it, I think this is a really good likeness of Maul.
OK, you already saw it in the background, but here's a closer look at my Celebration III Exclusive Talking Vader figure. I, like many others, waited for HOURS in line for this figure, but it was well worth the wait. I'm THRILLED with the forethought they put into the packaging. Not only can you press the button in the front to make him speak, but you can also change the batteries in the back with OUT having to open or damage the packaging.The Exclusive star cases that were sold along with this figure at CIII were sold out by the time I got there, and so far I've refused to pay the jacked up prices for them on eBay. While I would LIKE a star case to keep this one better protected, I'm not willing to pay some scalper triple for it just because he beat me to it in the line.I open almost all my items...this one however, stays the way it is.
A few more items from CIII can be found here:My CIII 4 Day Pass & Lanyard The Celebration At CIII Party Slave Leia Coaster that was one of several items in the door baggie giveaways.
Some other little items floating around this shelf include my Star Tours Pin from the gift shop at MGM of course, a Vader Pin from SW Shop & Cingular Vader Viper Keychain, another little CIII freebie.There is a second Vader Pin on the other side; these were actually a three pin set from SW Shop, but my dad has the third pin on his Harley Biker's a Vader In Flames.
Another little item here is my Vader Fan Club membership card and also one featuring Yoda. Apparently I forgot to take a close up shot of it, but that Vader head you see hanging above the display case is a Christmas ornament I found at Target not that long ago.
Next shelf down is one of the TRUE prides of my collection, and without a doubt the most EXPENSIVE item I ever bought, but I simply had to have it:My Code 3 Millennium Falcon Die Cast Model.
She is truly a thing of beauty as these next few close ups will show:
Falcon close up 1
Falcon close up 2
Falcon close up 3
I was going to take some pictures of her with the removable panels off so you could see the detail inside but that would have required me moving her off the shelf and I don't like moving it too much as she's VERY heavy and I'm afraid to DROP her!Maybe I will do that in a later blog...
To finish out this shelf (and this chapter of the tour) I'll cover the last few items here:
Death Star With Darth Vader Complete Galaxy set and on the other side is the Dagobah With Yoda.
On each side as well are these Mos Eisley Cantina Shot Glasses, again a souvenir from my trips to MGM in Florida.
The next installment will finish out this shelf as we check out some BK toys and some books...Until then, as always, thanks for coming along.
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