Thursday, May 17, 2007

DJ Mauls Ultimate Star Wars Toy Room Tour, Part 6

I'm back, with another leg of the online tour of my Star Wars Toy Room.

Before I get to the last few shelves on the Big Shelf I figured I'd take another detour off the beaten bath and present to you a section I just had to call:"Fun With Fishing Line!"

That's right, fishing line, as in the stuff you have on the rod and use to catch fish.I'm not the first collector to come up with the idea of hanging items from the ceiling from fishing line, I know. But it was an idea I just recently started exploring and I wanted to show the results so far.

The first item I decided to hang was an action figure: Obi Wan with Assassin Droid from the Ep. II collection. This figure of course recreates the scene where Obi dives out the window and grabs the droid, which proceeds to fly him all through the skies of Coruscant.I got the fig to stay up on a regular stand, but decided he would look so much cooler in mid flight. That one was pretty easy.

A bit tougher to hang was this old Millennium Falcon toy ship that weighs quite a bit. Arranging the fishing line so that it hung just right was tricky but I got it where I liked it.This version was the one released in the 90's, and as you may have noticed is a bit beat up and some parts are missing. My mother found this at a flea market and thought of me. I will eventually get around to restoring the missing parts (I've seen the cockpit part on eBay, I just haven't gotten around to buying it yet) but despite her obvious flaws the Falcon has always been my fave ship so I kept her. She wouldn't really fit on any of my shelves so hanging her seemed the obvious choice.

Next to the Falcon is this Ep. I Droid Fighters Launcher Toy that I cant remember if I bought or if it was a's not something I normally would have purchased so maybe someone gave it to me. Anyway, the three Droid fighters are attached to a handle piece and when you pull the trigger buttons it launches the fighters. Again I wanted to hang this so that they appeared to be flying in formation with each other.

Another toy I had laying around that begged to be "flown" is this Boba Fett that is actually an extra one of the OT SE Fast Food Toys I had; it's the "Balancing Boba Fett" and it was missing its stand so I had nothing to "balance" him ON. But like I said I never throw anything SW away if I can help it and a little fishing line helped rescue him from "missing parts" obscurity. (I also have a Balancing Fett WITH the stand, you'll see that later.)

Last item on the Fishing Line tour is this one I just recently added: a Darth Vader TIE Fighter model from AMT models.I just put this together last week and had decided even before it was finished and painted that it would look coolest "flying" across the ceiling.I also purchased a few other models (they were on sale, buy one get one FREE, how could I pass?) such as the X-Wing and the TIE Interceptor. When completed I hope to "fly" them as well in some type of space battle poses.

And now let's get back on track, with the last few sections the big shelf.First, let me show you two new items I JUST picked up last week, and for lack of a better spot, for now they are added to the top of the big shelf:

Anakin VS Dooku Battle set

Mace VS Sidious Battle set

I found both of these marked down from $24.99 EACH to just $9.99 each, and the store also had them special tagged as a "Buy One, Get One FREE" offer, so they actually cost me just 5 bucks EACH! I LOVE a good bargain!!!

Back down to the remaining shelves, next we have: my LEGO shelf. So far I've stuck to the smaller LEGO items. I'm not a total collector of these but sometimes grab one for fun. My daughter likes putting them together as well so sometimes I buy one, she puts it together, then it goes in the display. Such was the case with the Grievous & Obi Wan set there.She also did the big TIE fighter in the back. The little tiny TIE up front was a fan club offer I think...again, a freebie. The little yellow Jedi Starfighter was a Pepsi promotional one. The other there is a little mini Falcon, and my favorite one is the Anakin to Vader transformation set. Very cute.

Next shelf over: some Lord Of The Rings items

The Gollum statue and the Minas Tirith are both from the Extended DVD Collectors set (I also have the Argonath bookends, but they are upstairs in the entertainment center, book ending the DVD set.) The other figs in the back are regular toy figs of Gollum, Gandalf, & The Witch King. As much as I loved LOTR I simply could not afford to delve too deeply into these toys AND keep up with SW stuff as well, so I settled on three favorites.

The comics books on the sides there are a three issue adaptation of the LOTR prelude novel "The Hobbit." ...they are actually quite rare I believe.

The next shelf over is MORE LOTR items including the complete Burger King LOTR Toys set The four BK mugs are also included in the back. The 12" Aragorn fig was a gift from a friend which was much appreciated.

The next shelf is an assortment of Non Star Wars toys that I've collected. As I said I pretty much stick to SW stuff only, but once in awhile I'll spot something that I think is just too cool and grab it.I won't go through EVERY item here, This is too long now as is, but let's highlight a few:

Spawn Hot Wheels Car that was a Wizard World Comics Con exclusive I got maybe 10 years ago? Very rare, very limited.

Evil Ash Army Of Darkness Fig I had to have just because.

Silent Bob In-Action Figure that I grabbed about two years ago again at Wizard World, and had personally signed by Kevin Smith himself. I really need to star case this one, so far the signature has held up though. Plus, you gotta love an action figure with a cigarette in it's hand,

The next shelf over, last one on the big shelf, is another assortment of Non Star Wars stuff, mainly some BK toys from Toy Story and other assorted cartoon stuff. (side note: Big Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what "Deep 13" is from...)

One item I'll highlight here is this Toy Story 2 Hot Wheels set that was a mail away offer from Cheerios cereal. (Held to the side of the shelf through the miracle of "Poster Putty! )

That's it for today. As usual I appreciate you all tagging along and I hope you enjoyed it.


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